Natural Fillers

Platelet-Rich Plasma [PRP]

PRP, or “Liquid Gold” as we like to call it, is the perfect solution to stimulate cell growth within the body. The patient’s blood is drawn, processed, and then used for treatment. The amazing benefits of PRP can be used to stimulate hair growth, diminish the appearance of scarring, encourage the body’s production of collagen, and much more.

PRP is produced from your blood. It is a concentration of platelets, which circulate through your blood and are critical for blood clotting. Platelets and the liquid plasma portion of the blood contain many factors that are essential for cell recruitment, multiplication, and specialization

Platelet-Rich Fibrin [PRF]

This is similar to PRP, collected the same way but it is then heated and cooled to take on a more gel like form that then acts as a NATURAL filler for your body. It’s the organic filler everyone has been wanting!! 

Please Note: These services will require your blood to be drawn, please hydrate well prior to your appointment.

More questions? See our PRP/PRF FAQs below.


60 minutes on average


4-6 Weeks. [treatment series of 2 recommended, repeated annually]


Under Eye PRF -  $300+/treatment 
Facial Bio Filler PRF - $800/treatment

PRP - $500+


  • Platelet Rich Plasma, or “Liquid Gold” as we like to call it, is the perfect solution to stimulate cell growth within the body. The patient’s blood is drawn, processed, and then used for treatment. The amazing benefits of PRP can be used to stimulate hair growth, diminish the appearance of scarring, encourage the body’s production of collagen, and much more.

  • PRF, or platelet-rich fibrin, is the next generation treatment of platelet concentrate. PRF is a fibrin matrix comprised of platelet cytokines, growth factors and cells used to help promote skin rejuvenation, hair growth and wound healing.

  • Plasma is a component of our blood and contains proteins which help the blood to clot and support cell growth. Platelets are found within the blood and are responsible for recognizing and repairing damaged cells by forming a plug, or clot. PRP Treatments use the body’s own healing processes to rejuvenate the skin and promote new cell growth.

    During treatment, a member of our experienced and trained staff will draw blood from your arm. The small vial of blood will be placed and spun in a centrifuge to separate the red blood cells from the plasma. This process concentrates the platelet count to about 4x the normal amount. The platelet rich plasma is then applied topically or injected into the skin for treatment. PRP has been shown to help fade darkness under eyes, provide natural facial volume restoration, and even help with hair loss when injected in to the scalp.

  • Fibrin is a biological scaffold that forms in response to an injury anywhere in the body. Platelets circulating in the blood will bind to a scaffold of fibrin. When platelets bind to the fibrin scaffold, they become activated and release growth factors, which start the wound healing process by creating new skin cells, collagen and blood vessels. By injecting PRF into an area on the face or scalp, a controlled inflammatory response is created, which kick starts new cell growth and collagen production.

  • Noticeable results are visible within 4-9 months.

  • Results from PRP/PRF Treatments are expected to be long-lasting, though results may vary from person to person.

  • The number of treatments varies from person to person, but on average, we recommend a series of 2 treatment sessions separated by 4-6 weeks then annually for maintenance.

  • For injections, bruising and swelling is possible, plan 2 weeks ahead of any events/vacations.

    For microneedling with PRF, recovery lasts from 1-2 days with reddened skin, no peeling.