So WHAT’S your name? Where did it come from?

Here’s a little peek into the behind the scenes of naming our aesthetic practice, GLOW WILCO (short for Wilson County).

When we started down the road of naming our practice it felt a lot like naming a child that you’re expecting. We weren’t exactly sure what it would look like but we knew we wanted something original that had some significant meaning. We immediately started tossing around words that you would expect to find for a business in the beauty industry, but nothing really resonated. I think it is because we were searching for something with connection. We began to think about the times in our lives that we felt beautiful. I recalled my wedding day, when people so easily shared the sentiment “you’re glowing” and they weren’t wrong, it was a DREAM and the joy and beauty of that moment literally was radiating off of my face. We were both able to recall our pregnancies and how people would say I knew you were pregnant you had “that glow” or someone else would chime in that pregnant women are so beautiful that they are literally “glowing”. It was then that we realized that we wanted to GLOW everyday, not just on our wedding day or when we were pregnant. This aligned with our goals for our clients, to feel confident and beautiful in their own skin EVERY day.

We immediately felt like GLOW needed something else, it was missing the defining word that our clients would need to understand our business. So we began debating names with a strong medical presence to stand beside glow, but something about the strictly medical names didn’t translate. Our desire is to be more than sterile fields and injections; we want to be an innovative beauty space for our clients to feel known and supported here in Wilson county. As we kept coming back to our community and the fact that we were both born and raised in Wilson County we decided to incorporate this into our name. WILCO, derived from Wilson county was established as the name partner to GLOW- we liked the ring of it, we just couldn’t figure out if we needed 1 or 2 W’s haha.

So for weeks we had the debate GLO WILCO versus GLOW WILCO… y’all know how that turned out! At this point we had our first and middle name, GLOW WILCO… now we needed a “last name” for the baby! haha.

Our goal has always been to meet people where they are in the aging process and provide options to restore youthfulness in a balanced and beautiful way. The word CONCIERGE fit perfectly because we are not a one size fits all business and we don’t ever want clients to feel rushed or like another number for the bottom line. We wanted to created a medical experience unique to you, so what better word that concierge?!?

Lastly, the word BEAUTY: Obviously it is a word that translates in this industry, but when we think of this word we are reminded of our mission: to inspire others to view beauty in a different light. Not by the worlds standards but by the standard within yourself. We want our clients to feel confident and BEAUTIFUL in their own skin at all ages. We value difference in facial features and do not want to create the same lips, cheeks, and jawlines for all our clients. We want to see expression on your face and allow your face to tell the story of your life. We want to enhance your natural beauty and soften the signs of aging. We strive to avoid creating unnatural, unrealistic, unbalanced features because we believe that less is more.

So there it is⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ GLOW WILCO CONCIERGE BEAUTY

We hope you love our name and our mission as much as we do. We are excited to see where this journey leads and we hope to hang tight to all of these values as we journey along with you all in this industry.






Wilco Fair: A family affair