Microneedling the NERD FILES 🤓

If there is one thing we have learned in 15+ years of health care, it’s that the human body is ABSOLOUTELY AMAZING! All the intricacies and processes that take place every second of the day to keep the body alive is mind boggling. Should we also reference the fact that the body is capable of growing another human!!!  Seriously 😳 Our bodies were made to adapt and survive by utilizing processes from within, which is precisely why we love  Microneedling + PRP.

Today we want to talk about the process of wound healing and how that process can invoke new collagen growth and skin rejuvenation through the process of Microneedling. 

Wound healing 101, mostly edited form John’s Hopkins Medicine 🤓 Abbreviated by yours truly! 

Trauma response & healing:

When your skin is cut, scraped, or punctured, you usually start to bleed. Blood cells start to clump together and clot, protecting the wound and preventing further blood loss. These clots, which turn into scabs as they dry, are created by a type of blood cell called a platelet. The clot also contains a protein called fibrin, which forms a net to hold the clot in place. Microneedling is a procedure that creates tiny controlled “wounds” that may cause pinpoint bleeding but should not cause scabs.

Once the wound is closed with a clot, the blood vessels open a bit to allow fresh nutrients and oxygen into the wound for healing. Blood-borne oxygen is essential for healing. The right balance of oxygen is also important — too much or too little and the wound won't heal correctly. 

Another type of blood cell, a white blood cell called a macrophage, takes on the role of wound protector. This cell fights infection and oversees the repair process. You might see some clear fluid on or around the cut at this time. That is helping clean out the wound. Macrophages also produce chemical messengers, called growth factors, which help repair the wound. 

Blood cells, including oxygen-rich red blood cells, arrive to help build new tissue. Chemical signals instruct cells to create collagen, which serves as a type of scaffolding, and other tissues to begin the repair process. ✨Spoiler alert… when we add PRP on top of microneedling it floods the area with a concentrated amount of platelets or fibrin to boost the healing process and ramp up your results.✨ This is why people refer to PRP as “Liquid gold”. The practice of injecting PRP is not just limited to the face, neck, and chest but is being utilized throughout the body to bring about healing and restoration. 

📚 ➡️ If you would like to go deeper into the science behind PRP reach out to us and we will share some of our favorite published research. 

Our Technology: 

We have chosen to partner with SkinPen to deliver Microneedling + PRP to our clients. We both personally love the results we’ve seen with microneedling our faces + bodies (surgical scars, stretch marks, acne scarring). Looks like we aren’t alone in our love for this procedure!

For more information on our Microneedling services click on the SkinPen image above 👆🏻


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